OK so I don't think I have blogged this much in one month much less one day! But whatevere! Ok here we go you about to witness three pictures! Picture 1 you know those Zen gardens in the Japanese Gardens...well this is a picture of one! Ok so the deal is you weren't supposed to go in there AT ALL! well guess who climbs under the wall so he an jump on the rocks? You got it! Ok so this is a picture of before and thankfully after he jumped on them! Picture two is just funny, and picture 3 is his evidence that is all masterful!
Ok now it's mine and Cory's turn! Thank you so much for taking these pictures for us JD!!!!! Thank you! OK so I had so much fun taking these pictures because JD treated us like we America's Next Top Models, and that's A pretty darn good feeling if you ask me!
OK so here they are, the Glorious Humbers,and their dog Lego!!!! Ok so like I said Cory and I went to see JD and Allison!!!! We had two days of pictures...and OMG I don't know how I'm going to pick the pictures to go on here! THERE ARE SO MANY!!!!! OK not to mention JD took some awesome pictures of me and Cory but that's another blog! We had so much fun! We got to eat great food, cooked and restaurant! We got to play in the trinity river, and see some awesome flowers at a botanical garden! So here we go...HANG ON TIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OK I can't put any more on...go check my facebook for ALL of them!!
OK so my best friend Cory and I went to Coleyville,TX to go see our former youth minister and his wife...the price...were the orders "tell Katelyn to bring her camera!" So off we went! It just so happens that the Monday before was their first wedding anniversary! Well I had So much fun taking their "Year One" pictures! I love you Guys,but that's the next blog! Ok so We all went to these botanical gardens in FT.Worth, and I just wanted to showcase some of the flowers, wildlife, and statues!