What do you get when you put together 1 1/2 tables, 2 table-cloths, over 120 candles, seven lanterns, six windows,some pretty awesome containers(jars), and some really cool books? an AWESOME outdoor photo shoot!!! I did a country vintage shoot that lasted through the day and into the night!It never got higher than 40 degrees! But my model roughed it and did a great job! Here you go!
I just did a photo-shoot with one of the cutest 2 yr olds ever! I remember rocking him to sleep when he was a baby! He is so BIG!!! He spent the entire time running around and having fun, and when he was done with his pictures he looked at us and said " I'm Done." He is so cute! Enjoy!
This is Nathaniel...My first male senior of the year! He was super fun to shoot...He had these super awesome shirts that we did first and then he changed into his sweater and tennis shoes and walks up to me and says" hi! I'm Nathanial...This is the real me."thanks guys!
This is my lovely little cousin Sidney!!! She is so cute and she is growing up so fast! I hope you enjoy her pictures! She was obsessed with the birds and thankfully college station is full of birds that just sit around on power-lines!!! So she was happy just about the entire shoot! Are her shoes not awesome!!! Enjoy!
So these are some of my favorite people in the world and...they are having a BABY!!!! so my best friend and I went to visit them! It seems that once a year I we go to visit an do their pics! The 1st time it was them and their golden, now it is them and their 2 dogs...next time it will be them, the dogs, and the baby! I...m so happy for them! P.S. it's a GIRL!!! Pink font just for that!!!
So today I had a photoshoot with a wonderful awesome girl! Miss Victoria Caroline!!! We trecked all over town and played with BIG funky Balloons! We climbed rickety staircases and steep muddy hills!!! We braved the great unkown and had some awesome hand mixed sodas along the way!!! This girl took some awesome photos! I had so much fun with this girl! thanks Victoria!!! P.S. we even got to play with the firetrucks!!!
So today is Monday and I have had a pretty peachy day! I am currently attempting to clean my house do the dishes and wash the insurmountable amount of clothing that has piled up! I just thought I would drop in and say HI, and give you my favorite pic of the day! If you would leave a comment that would be awesome! I'm trying to figure out how many people read this...I'm doing research! Thanks!
So I recently decided to do a photo shoot that revolved completely around BALLOONS!!! I was super excited( I'm pretty sure 5 yr. olds could not have been more excited). So I went out and grabbed my best friend and dressed her up and made her be my model, luckily she said she trusted me(that's the great thing about best friends...they just go along with the flow!)!!! So I did my shoot! Here are some shots from the day! We went everywhere: open fields in the middle of a city, roof top parking(luckily no one was there), and a new cool spot I found( I'm in love with my new spot!)...so here you go!!! I had a lot of fun with this...WARNING::: balloons and wind DO NOT MIX!!! but it was still fun!We let the balloons go at this point! BYE BYE BALLOONS!!!!