What do you get when you put together 1 1/2 tables, 2 table-cloths, over 120 candles, seven lanterns, six windows,some pretty awesome containers(jars), and some really cool books? an AWESOME outdoor photo shoot!!! I did a country vintage shoot that lasted through the day and into the night!It never got higher than 40 degrees! But my model roughed it and did a great job! Here you go!
I just did a photo-shoot with one of the cutest 2 yr olds ever! I remember rocking him to sleep when he was a baby! He is so BIG!!! He spent the entire time running around and having fun, and when he was done with his pictures he looked at us and said " I'm Done." He is so cute! Enjoy!
This is Nathaniel...My first male senior of the year! He was super fun to shoot...He had these super awesome shirts that we did first and then he changed into his sweater and tennis shoes and walks up to me and says" hi! I'm Nathanial...This is the real me."thanks guys!