So today I took my very first trip to the park next to my dorm! Which in fact is the Sam Houston Memorial park(you know the one we all to field-trips to when we were in kindergarten to learn about old Sam Houston!)Well I promised my best friend's mom that I would take pictures of it for her(so here you go Mrs.Jackie)!!! O.K. today I learned a very important fact...DO NOT under any circumstances approach a duck if you do not have food, they will attack!!! And if you do have food make sure you throw it then run, they will still attack!!!! It seems to be a lose-lose situation!!! O.K. so here you go these are the pictures( be warned I just got some new editing tools for my some of these probably look a little funky!!!) Enjoy!!!(YES!!!I'm the one who did all the editing!!!)

Mother Goose!!!(watch it she bites!!!)

This squirrel was rockin!!!! Not even gonna lie!!!

This was the park

This squirrel really was super amazing!!!!!

Bottoms up!!!!

1 comment:
Um WOW! I want some cool pictures for art in my apt!
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